Fortaleza y Belleza

Celebramos el espíritu indomable de mujeres venezolanas en todo el mundo.

two women in bodysuits leaning against a wall
two women in bodysuits leaning against a wall
brown short coated dog lying on gray concrete floor
brown short coated dog lying on gray concrete floor
woman with red lipstick holding yellow flower
woman with red lipstick holding yellow flower
woman in black tank top and black pants standing on gray concrete pavement during daytime
woman in black tank top and black pants standing on gray concrete pavement during daytime

Resiliencia Venezolana

Celebramos la fortaleza y belleza de las mujeres venezolanas en el mundo.

Las mujeres venezolanas son un ejemplo de lucha y alegría en cada paso.

María Pérez
a group of people holding a sign that says witches united 4 equal rights
a group of people holding a sign that says witches united 4 equal rights


La tradición y el amor por la familia son el corazón de nuestra cultura venezolana.

person in blue jacket and pink hijab
person in blue jacket and pink hijab
Ana Gómez



Mujeres Venezolanas

Celebramos la fortaleza y belleza de nuestras mujeres venezolanas.

a group of people putting their hands together
a group of people putting their hands together
Resiliencia y Belleza

Un homenaje a la fuerza de nuestras mujeres venezolanas.

woman in white floral dress holding red rose bouquet
woman in white floral dress holding red rose bouquet
Tradición Familiar

La alegría y amor que define a cada familia venezolana.

a woman standing in a field holding a yellow scarf
a woman standing in a field holding a yellow scarf
a woman standing in a field holding a scarf
a woman standing in a field holding a scarf
Empoderamiento Femenino

Conectando con el espíritu indomable de nuestras mujeres.

Cultura y Lucha

Resaltando la riqueza cultural y la lucha diaria.